White-Hot Passion, Blue Uniform, Red Truck

Jenn’s love for the Navy and for diesels

June 2016 Austa Cook

If you happen to be in Virginia Beach, Va., and see a gorgeous 2011 6.7L F250 Lariat Ultimate Crew Cab in vermillion red roar by, you’ve indirectly met Jenn Smith. Currently serving in the US Navy as an airframe structural mechanic on F-18 fighter jets, you could say her passion for mechanics and passion for serving in the Navy have intertwined—and perhaps were first rooted in her love of diesels when it all began almost 14 years ago.

“My addiction started with my dad's Duramax back in ‘02,” Jenn smiles. “I remember in ‘06 when he'd traded it in for his 6.0L how upset I was that a big, exciting part of my childhood memory was leaving. Once I'd got my permit I'd always wanted to practice driving in Dad's truck, even over the Camaro.”

To read the complete story, click here.

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