Salvage Yards

In search of hidden treasure

December 2014 Feature Roy Sparks

Works The Other Way

Scrap yards aren’t just great places to buy parts that you’re looking for, you can also sell to them as well. What do you plan on doing with your stock turbo that you just swapped out for a bigger one? If you think you might sell you truck some day and wouldn’t want to include your new turbo in the deal, put your stock one on the shelf for now. But if you’re looking to off-set some of the cost of your new turbo, try selling it to a scrap yard,. Now you won’t make a fortune off of it, but if it’s just going to sit and gather dust you might as well get a few bucks for it. This can apply to a lot of those upgrades that you’re currently working on where you can sell your old stock bumpers and anything else that might have enough value to be worth your time. It really just depends on the scrap yard so feel free to check around so you get the best price.

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