ATS Diesel - 2012 Diesels on the Mountain event

Check out one of the best truck fests around!

July 2012 News
For more information, visit:

August 3, 2012 - Sled pulls, Adams County Fairgrounds

Friday August 3rd features the sled pull/ truck pulls at the Adams County Fairgrounds Stadium. The NSPA Sled Pulling Team will tech-in competitors on-site. Work Stock Class will open the 4-class action, with the main event later in the night. All competitors and spectators are invited. Classes range from stock trucks to heavily-modified dedicated pullers. 2012's sled pull is co-sponsored and sanctioned by NSPA (National Sled Pullers Association) and features the NSPA's pulling sled which is one of the newest and latest technology sleds in the country. Four classes are available to pullers including: Work Stock, 2.6" /66mm turbo, 3.0" /76mm turbo, 3.8" /96.5mm turbo, and Modified (open). Cash and prizes are awarded to 1st-3rd place!

Registration to start at 10:00am, Work Stock pulls start 12:00pm, the main event starts @7:00pm

Adams County Fairgrounds
9755 Henderson Rd
Brighton, CO 80601

August 4, 2012 - Dyno day and BBQ, ATS Diesel HQ

Saturday August 4th ATS hosts an open house Dyno Day & BBQ at our Arvada facility. Activities at ATS and dyno runs begin at 8:00am Armed Services Members who attended Saturday with military ID eat for free! Bring your truck down to see what it can do - or just attend and watch the action!

ATS Diesel Headquarters
5293 Ward Road
Arvada, CO 80002

August 5, 2012 - Drags, Bandimere Speedway / Morrison, CO

Sunday August 5th Cummins Truck Fest moves the excitement to the drag strip at Bandimere Speedway - sponsored by Merritt Equipment. Events for Sunday include drag racing, vendor midway, rock crawling, and show-n-shine competition starting at 8:00am, with first runs down-the-track at 9:00am Spectators will see some of the most unique and detailed vehicles in the rockies. Many of the country's fastest trucks come to lay down impressive quarter mile times. As with Saturday, Sunday's competition and spectator opportunities are open to everyone. 

*Drag racing trucks are requested to have either upward-firing exhaust stacks, or use a temporary exhaust turn-up pipe for the event. This change was made at the request of the track which must manage issues presented by smoke from trucks that can damage track property and disqualify racers due to issues with the timing light system.

Bandimere Speedway
3051 South Rooney Road
Morrison, CO 80465

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