A Bedder Cover for your Load

December 2019 Products DT Staff

Tonneau covers are amazing to have on our trucks, but they don't cut it when it comes to hauling those larger objects, such as couches, large appliances, or other household items. That's when you need a non-permanent bed cover, many of which come in the form of blue tarps; the tarps are difficult to use, flap around in the wind, and they don't really keep your stuff dry, regardless of how many tie-downs you use. Bedder Covers addresses that issue with their plastic wrap for your truck bed, so you can have a flexible non-permanent cover and not have to worry about your load getting all wet, damaged, or blown away!

Although it's only a temporary use cover, the Bedder Covers plastic wrap cover is flexible, weather-resistant, and adheres to your truck without leaving any residue! It's an inexpensive and easy-to-use option to protect your stuff. One roll will cover any size truck with any size load. Haul your load better with Bedder Covers! For more information, click here.

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