Paul Finke's Truck Next Door

North Branch, Minn.

October 2014 Feature My Truck

My 1996 F350 crew cab long box Power Stroke has a little bit of the usual rust, but it isn't bad for 320,000 miles on the odometer. Currently, I have an S&B cold air intake, an upgraded compressor wheel, a 3-inch down pipe into a custom 4-inch straight pipe. After those mods were done, I put in a 6-position TS chip, a 140-volt IDM and smoked lens taillights. In the future, I plan on putting in stage 1 injectors and HPOP, track bars, some new window tint, LED lighting inside and out and new bumpers. This thing is my daily driver, and because it's seen a little rough terrain in its life, I love to take it for joy rides from time to time.


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