Changing Your Ball Joint

DT Install

Published in the May 2013 Issue November 2013 Feature Michael Deulley

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A bracket located on the forward control arm helps hold the ABS line in place and should also be removed. Once the ABS line is safely out of the way, remove the cotter pin that secures the ball joint nut seated under the steering knuckle, then remove the nut from the joint and place both cotter pin and nut aside.

Now, seat your jack under the axle directly behind the ball joint lift until the axle is perpendicular to the ground. If the joint is well lubricated and not rusted out, this lifting action should free it out of the axle. If that's not the case, add firm and steady pressure with a pry bar at the ball joint and just under the A-frame, pry the joint free from the axle. Relieve pressure from the jack and separate the joint from the axle. Once that's achieved, begin removing the bolts at the top of each control arm that are fitted to the frame. With the bolts removed, the ball joint and A-frame should be free to remove and it's out with the old and in with the new.

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