Digital Air Command I & II

Published in the December 2009 Issue December 2009 Products

Air CommandFirestone is offering Digital Air Command I and Digital Air Command II air accessory systems designed to provide an instant air source for all Firestone air helper spring kits.

Digital Air Command I (No. 2490) and II (No. 2491) feature an electronic control that allows users to adjust air pressure at the push of a button from inside the vehicle, giving them full control over ride quality during varying load capacities and road conditions.

Firestone's Digital Air Command I provides single control, which levels two rear air springs equally side-to-side. Digital Air Command II delivers both side-to-side and front-to-rear leveling. Both systems come complete with the digital gauge, a standard duty air compressor (No. 9284), valve block and necessary tubing and fittings.

Digital Air Command I and II work with Firestone's Complete Suspension Solutions, which include Ride-Rite, Sport-Rite and Level-Rite air helper springs.

Contact Firestone (800) 888-0650 or

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