DTCs: What Are They And What Causes Them?

Part 3

Published in the June 2008 Issue June 2008 Feature, PowerStroke

In the February and April issues of Diesel Tech, we introduced you to a new series of stories called DTCs.

The February issue covered the most common DTCs for 5.9L Cummins engines and the April issue covered the most common DTCs for the 6.6L Duramax engines. The final part in this series will cover the 6.0L Powerstroke engines. These engines are found in 2003-07 Ford Super Duties.

We contacted our local expert, Crede Young from Diesel Dynamics, and aftermarket power expert Tadd Layton from Elite Diesel Engineering, to discuss the most common DTCs (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) for the 6.0L Powerstrokes.

"The most common problem we see that causes the check engine light to come on is related to the EGR,"_ Young said. "Even if the problem is something simple, people should get their trucks looked at when the light comes on."_

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